Cary Greenways Tour Shirt —
A Cary Greenways Tour shirt is included with 5K, 10K, 13.1, and 26.2 registration until September 22nd but if you'd like an EXTRA shirt or to get one for someone who couldn't join you at the race we've got you!
* Youth Small, Youth Medium, and Youth Large sizes may not be available for the final shirt ordered; if they are not available, then the next smallest size available will be provided instead.
** Shipping is not included for any items purchased separately unless you are registered for a virtual race; all virtual race packets will be shipped the week following the in-person race. In-person race participants will receive their items on race day. If you aren't registered for any race and want items you bought shipped to you, please make a $10 donation to Fit & Able (put "Shipping & Handling" in the 'Message to Race' field) after making your purchase here:
Available until September 22, 2024 11:59pm EDT